Unit Course System

The Polytechnic operates a unit course system. Students are required to familiarize themselves with the system. Continuous assessment is very important in a unit course system as it forms an integral part of the overall assessment of students. The continuous assessment appraisal includes all tests, quizzes and other lecture hall activities assigned by the lecturers. There is no provision for a resit in a continuous assessment appraisal. Students are advised, in their own interest, to attend lectures punctually and turn in their assignments at the appropriate time.

Objectives of the Course Unit System

To enable students to progress at a rate reasonably adjusted to his/her individual ability.
To avoid the repetition of a whole semester or session where only a small number of courses have been failed and the grade point average (GPA) is 1,0.
To accommodate transfer from one programme to another without loss of grades obtained in courses common to the programme conceived.
It will help in inter disciplinary collaboration and inter departmental collaboration in curriculum formulation and continuous review.

Definition of Basic Terms

"Session" Means an academic year as determined by the Academic Board which shall normally be of two semesters
"Semester" Means period of about 18 weeks including 15 contact weeks
"Contact Hour" is defined as the period of classroom, Laboratory Workshop or field work interaction between a tutor and students for academic instruction and supervision.
"One Credit" is defined as one hour of lecture or tutorial per week per semester or two to three hours of field laboratory, studio or workshop practical per week per semester.
"Probation" Means a status granted to a student whose academic performance falls below acceptable standard
"Compulsory courses" Means period of about 18 weeks including 15 contact weeks
"Examination" means a formal written, spoken or practical test
"Grade Point (GP)" is derived from the actual percentage raw score for a given score. The score is then converted into a letter grade and a grade point
"Grade Point Average" is the ratio of the total credit points calculated by multiplying the course grade point by the semester hour value of the course.
"Course Arrears" means any course in a semester which a student fails to register for,
"Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)" is the ratio of the total number of credit points for the present and previous semesters to the total number of semester hours for the present and previous semesters.
"Repetition of course" where a student repeats repeals a course, the credit Hours and the grade point of all attempts shall be included in the cumulative credit hours and cumulative grade points

A student who fails to make a minimum of 40% in any course shall he required to register again for the same course when next it is available.

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