Withdrawal from Courses
During a regular semester, a student who is registered for any course may withdraw from the course not later than 4 weeks after the date of Registration. A student will however, be required to complete the prescribed form obtained from his / her Head of department before the withdrawal could be effected. In the absence of official withdrawal from a course, within the stipulated period, for which a student is registered, the grade "ABS 0" shall be reflected in the cumulative hours and points.
Deferment of Admission
Deferment of Admission on basis of ill health, childbirth, loss of sponsor, accident, transfer (National Assignment) will only be approved upon meeting the following conditions:
Payment of School Fees
Commencement of Registration
Submission of Relevant Documents to substantiate claims
Application must be made within the first six weeks in the first semester
Withdrawal from Courses
Where a student applies to defer his/her study programme; it shall be recorded as Semester Deferment (SDF). Such deferment shall not exceed two consecutive semesters provided the deferment will not cause the programme to exceed the maximum of eight (8) semesters permitted by academic regulations.
Sick Grade "S"
A grade "S" shall be recorded in a case where a student who satisfies all conditions for entry for an examination is unable to sit for the examination owing to certified illness or other exigencies.
In this case, both the lost grade point and semester credit hours shall not be reflected on the grade point and cumulative credit hours. Such a student shall register for the course when available.
A case of protracted illness during the semester or sudden illness during an examination shall also merit sick grade "S" and the student may repeat the course when available.
Incomplete Grade "I"
In case of final year students, grade "I", meaning "incomplete, shall he awarded for projects that are yet to be completed. Such a student shall not be qualified for the award of Diploma until the project has been satisfactorily completed.
Where a student, who has not officially withdrawn from a course or reported sick fails to present himself for an examination, such a student shall score a grade ''ABSO" for that course and (his grade shall be reflected in the semester credit hours and grade Point.
Maximum Course Duration
No student shall be allowed to spend more than a maximum of four years (i.e. 8 semesters) of a full lime study, or six years (i.e 12 semesters) of part-time for either the National Diploma or Higher Diploma, 'the Academic Board may allow one extra semester in exceptional cases, where only one course is outstanding.
Conditions for Transfer to Another Programme
A student who, for personal reason, wants to transfer from one programme to another at the end of the first year, can do so provided he/she meets the basic requirements advertised for the new programme. However, such a student shall not be allowed to spend more than a total of four (4) years for full-time study or six (6) years for part-time study in the Polytechnic. Application in this respect shall be made on prescribed form through the students' Head of Department of the desired programme for processing. The Academic Office shall he duly informed.
Voluntary withdrawal
A student who absents himself from classes for two consecutive semesters without official permission or who fails to register for two (2) consecutive semesters shall be classified as having voluntarily withdrawn from the programme.
Academic Transcripts: Procedure for Issuance
Transcripts are issued at the request of a student after a payment of N200.00 for a Nigerian institution and N500.00 for an Overseas Institution. The amount payable is subject to review.